itsu Chicken welfare

The welfare of the chicken used in our bao is of the utmost importance to us. Our partner has a vertically integrated supply chain, meaning that they grow and process ingredients used in itsu products on their own farms. They have multiple vegetable and chicken farms which members of the itsu [grocery] team have been able to visit. The itsu chicken farm is third party audited to a farm assurance welfare scheme and exceeds the welfare standards laid out by the EU Council Directive 2007/43/CE.
We are also proud that our chickens:
Are cared for by farmer Wenna Sun. She has been working and living on this farm for 15 years and is truly an expert in caring for our chickens.
Are reared to the China GAP welfare standards.
Are grown and processed down the road to the bao kitchen which reduces stress that the birds must endure as the transport time is at a minimum.
Have 26% more space than Red Tractor Welfare standards.
The stocking density of our chickens is 28 kg/m². This is 2 kg/m² below the Better Chicken Commitment requirement.
Are not administered antibiotics.
The farm does not carry out any flock thinings, which reduces the stress for the chickens.